Climate Change and Migrant Health Module for WONCA-Environment Planetary Health Course for Primary Care
After the success of the Planetary Health Online Course, the WONCA Environment and TelessaúdeRS-UFRGS launched the Planetary Health course for Primary Care. With a focus on clinical practice and the reality of health professionals, the course is designed to introduce family doctors and other primary health care professionals and students to the topic of Planetary Health, and to inspire and guide them to educate others or become advocates in various ways.
A team of CliMigHealth members developed their 8th module on Climate Change and Migrant Health. This module introduces how climate change, migration and health interact, explores relevant clinical case studies and discusses health system solutions, including the role of family doctors and primary care professionals.
You can access the module (and all other modules) via the course platform or reach out to our CliMigHealth to come present or reflect on its content for educational purposes.
Contact: Charlotte Scheerens.