GAPSYM17 – Africa at the Intersection of Climate, Migration and Health Challenges is the 17th edition of the multidisciplinary conference organized by the AUGent Africa Platform.



GAPSYM17 – Africa at the Intersection of Climate, Migration and Health Challenges is the 17th edition of the multidisciplinary conference organized by the AUGent Africa Platform.


GAPSYM17 – Africa at the intersection of Climate, Migration and Health challenges

This 17th multidisciplinary conference of the AUGent Africa Platform will be co-organized by CliMigHealth, the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), and the Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR).

The conference aims to showcase how scientists, policymakers, artists, writers, opinion makers, and educators reflect on present-day developments related to relevant Climate-Migration-Health topics in Africa. The conference will be a platform to engage explicitly on this topic, also beyond academic research, including the organization of writeshops, round tables, and seminars related to advancements in education and outreach.

We invite contributions elaborating on themes that relate to the entire climate-migration-health nexus and subthemes that focus on one of these dimensions, with a particular focus on Africa.


Practical information

Time: 28-29 November 2024.

Venue: Zaal De Blauwe Vogel, city library De Krook, Ghent, Belgium.

Registration for the conference will be open from 1 July 2024 onwards and can be accessed via the official event page.

Presentations may be conducted online but participation is exclusively in person.

The full program of the symposium will be made available in August 2024 to allow participants to make travel arrangements.

On both evenings of the conference, the participants may enjoy an engaging social program. On Thursday, November 28th, from 7:30 to 10 PM, there will be the Mandela Lecture. The lecture will be followed by the opening of the CliMigHealth photo exhibition by Gulshan Khan on Strength and Resilience in the Western Cape. Kindly register for the lecture and the exhibition opening before November 25, 12:00 CET.


Abstract submission

Abstracts should not exceed 500 words and must be written in English or French. Submissions should be sent by e-mail before 10 June 2024, 5:00 pm CET, to mentioning “GAPSYM17 – abstract title”. In addition to full papers, we welcome submissions for round tables, panels, writeshops, or workshops, with testimonies on specific cases or with a focus on sharing expertise.

For more information about the possible topics, consult the call for papers.

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Let us know if you would like to join as an organization representative of an academic institution or NGO, or as an individual.

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