Founded in 2020 as a transdisciplinary and international platform bringing together researchers and partners who are working on the climate-migration-health nexus. The network consists of a coordination team housed at Ghent University, a steering committee, and members consisting of academic institutions, NGOs and individuals from more than 40 countries around the world.
Founded in 2020 as an interdisciplinary and international platform bringing together researchers and partners who are working on the climate-migration-health nexus. The network consists of a coordination team housed at Ghent University, a steering committee, and members consisting of academic institutions, NGOs and individuals from more than 40 countries around the world.
Coordination team
The coordination team of CliMigHealth is based at Ghent University (Belgium) and oversees the daily organisation of the network.

Ilse Ruyssen
Ilse Ruyssen is Associate Research Professor in Migration Economics at the Department of Economics of Ghent University and affiliated Research Fellow at the UNU-CRIS. She is the director of the CliMigHealth International Thematic Network, uniting scholars around the world from multiple disciplines working on the nexus between climate change, migration and health(care). Her research focuses on the factors shaping migration decisions and immobility (with particular attention for the role of climate change, health and retain factors), as well as the implications of (non-)migration for the livelihoods of individuals and communities. She teaches various courses in migration and international economics at Ghent University, chairs the facultary Committee for Diversity and Inclusion, and coordinates the International Trade, Migration and Investment research group at her Department.
Skills and expertise
International Migration, Multiculturalism, Gender Studies, Panel Data, International Economics, Human Rights, Development Economics, Human Capital, Ethnicity, Cultural Diversity

Charlotte Scheerens
Coordinator –
Charlotte Scheerens is a postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University and is the coordinator of CliMigHealth. Her research interests are temperature and pollution impacts on COPD, integrated and equitable primary health care approaches, planetary health and climate change (and migration)-related health risks. She is also affiliated with KULeuven’s Academic Centre for Family Medicine working for the Intego team on monitoring climate-health impacts through primary care data, BIDMC’s Institute for lung health, United Nations University-CRIS, the Lancet Migration, and the WHO Technical working group on equity of the Global Health Workforce. She is involved in policy work for the Belgian governments, through committees on climate and health and just transition, and the New Green Deal Zorg. She was also former coordinator of Climate Express, a Belgian non-profit demanding higher climate ambition through mass mobilization.
Skills and expertise
Environmental health, Planetary Health, Temperature and Air Pollutants, Integrated Primary Care, COPD, Health System Equity
Steering Committee
The steering committee meets every two months to discuss strategic matters, and is composed of fourteen members: the director and coordinator, two leads per research stream (three for the Migration stream), and one responsible for the regional Africa hub. They are displayed hereunder.

Ilse Ruyssen (Chair)
Faculty of Economics, Ghent University, Belgium.

Charlotte Scheerens (co-Chair)
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium.

Els Bekaert (Lead junior program)
Faculty of Economics, Ghent University, Belgium.

Christian Lueme Lokotola (Africa hub lead)
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

Hans Keune (co-lead Methodology)
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Patricia Nayna Schwerdtle (co-lead Methodology)
Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg University, Germany.

Nidhi Nagabhatla (co-lead Climate)
United Nations University-CRIS, and Faculty of Science, McMaster University, Canada.

Rashmi Venkatraman (co-lead Climate)
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom.

Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso (co-lead Migration)
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Goettingen, Germany.

Michaella Vanore (co-lead Migration)
Maastricht Graduate School for Governance, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.

Robert Oakes (co-lead Migration)
Environment and Migration: Interactions and Choices (EMIC) Section
United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), International Organisation.

Peter Delobelle (co-lead Health)
Chronic Disease Initiative for Africa, University of Cape Town, Department of Public Health, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Process Evaluation Working Group.

Rita Issa (co-lead Health)
Faculty of Climate Change and Migration, University College London, United Kingdom.

Arthur Wyns (co-lead Governance)
Climate advisor, World Health Organization.

Vijay Kumar Chattu (co-lead Governance)
ReSTORE Lab, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, and School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Canada.
Regional Hubs
To address the lack of connection and integration between regional presences, the CliMigHealth Network will establish hubs to strengthen regional collaboration. The first, the Africa hub, was inaugurated in March 2023 in partnership with Stellenbosch University, due to their existing connections within the region.
Academic institutions and NGOs (updated monthly)
- Aarhus University Center for Global Health
- Africa Climate and Environment Foundation (ACEF)
- Africa Platform of Ghent University Association
- African Network of Youth Policy Experts
- Center for Strategic Development Studies
- ClimateCare Initiative
- Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Initiative on Fragility, Conflict, and Migration
- Ethiopian Early Childhood Network (EECN)
- Family Health and Development Foundation (FAHEDEF)
- Generation Climate Europe Nature Restoration Team
- Ghent University Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR)
- Ghent University Conflict Research Group
- Ghent University Dept. Economics
- Ghent University Dept. European, Public and International Law
- Ghent University Dept. Public Health and Primary Care
- Ghent University Dept. Social Work and Social Pedagogy
- Ghent University Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
- Ghent University International Centre of Reproductive Health (ICRH)
- Ghent University World Health Organization Collaborating Center on Family Medicine and Primary Health Care
- Global Health Research and Innovations Canada (GHRIC)
- GroundWork South Africa
- Heidelberg University Heidelberg Institute of Global Health (HIGH)
- Indian Social Responsibility Network
- Institute of Tropical Medicine Health Systems and Policy Research Group
- Jimma University
- Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHES) Dept. Family Medicine
- KIT Royal Tropical Institute
- Lancet Migration
- La Trobe University School of Allied Health, Human Services, and Sport
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Centre on Climate Change and Planetary Health
- Lúrio University Commission of Medical Residency
- Maastricht University School of Business and Economics
- Makerere University Dept. Family Medicine
- Makerere University Dept. Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic Sciences and Urban Action Lab
- Mamta Health Institute for Mother and Child
- Primary Care International
- RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment
- Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University Dept. Family Medicine and Primary Health Care
- SLYCAN Trust
- Stellenbosch University Dept. Family Medicine and Primary Care
- Stellenbosch University Dept. Nursing
- SustyVibes
- The Royal College of General Practitioners
- Trinity College Dublin Dept. Clinical Psychology
- United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT)
- United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
- United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS)
- Universität Bonn Institute of Global Health, Center for Development Research
- University College London Institute for Global Health
- University of Cape Town Primary Health Care Directorate
- University of Lomé Dept. Public Health
- University of Zimbabwe Family Medicine, Global and Public Health Unit (FMGPH)
Individuals (updated monthly)
- Abdillahi Muhumed Ahmed
- Aboi JK Madaki Dept. Family Medicine, University of Jos
- Aelita Sargsyan
- Ahmed Omar
- Aina Roca Barcelo School of Public Health, Imperial College London
- Akye Essuman Dept. Community Health, University of Ghana
- Alan Dangour Climate & Health, Wellcome Trust
- Aline Vandenbroeck School of Public Health, University of Illinois Chicago
- Alissa Verclyte Ghent University
- Alix Debray Dept. Economics, Ghent University and UNU-CRIS
- Amadou Moussa Gariko University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako
- Amal Sarsour UNU-CRIS
- Ana Belluscio Health Care Without Harm
- Ana Mosiashvili
- Andrew Ross Dept. Family Medicine, University of KwaZulu Natal
- Anne Galle WHO-CC on Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, Ghent University
- Anuoluwapo Olawole-Gbadamosi University of Ibadan
- Ararso Desalegn Ethiopian Public Health Institute
- Ashraf Kagee Dept. Psychology, Stellenbosch University
- Ayman Ahmed One Health Research Group, University of Khartoum
- Azubuike Erinugha Brothers Movie
- Belayneh Fentahun Shibesh
- Bolatito Fatusin Consultant Family Physician at Federal Government, Nigeria
- Brent Bleys Dept. Economics, Ghent University
- Callum Forbes University of Global Health Equity and Program in Global Surgery and Social Change
- Celia McMichael School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Melbourne
- Chiara Cadeddu
- Chomba Itah Matipa
- Clod Marlan Krister Yambao Dept. Conflict and Development Studies, Conflict Research Group, Ghent University and University of the Philippines Diliman
- Concettina Trimboli Jönköping University
- David Beversluis
- David Deconinck KU Leuven and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- David King General Practice Clinical Unit, University of Queensland
- Delali Freedman Woledzi Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana
- Diab Hamida
- Edwin Otieno Ondiege
- Elzarie Theron Division of Emergency Medicine, University of Cape Town
- Emily Carter McCann Global Health
- Esther Mireku Environmental Protection Agency
- Eyitayo Adenipekun Dept. Medical Laboratory Science, University of Lagos
- Fatoumata Toure City St. George’s University of London
- Filip Maric Environmental Physiotherapy Association
- Florian Lauryssen Dept. Earth and Environmental Sciences, KU Leuven
- Fulla Sharaf Intern CliMigHealth, Ghent University
- Galiya Kabirova Royal College of General Practitioners
- Geletaw Sahle Tegenaw Jimma University
- Giovanni Peri Dept. Economics, University of California, Davis
- Glenn Rayp Dept. Economics, Ghent University
- Gulnaz Mohamoud Dept. Family Medicine, Aga Khan University Hospital
- Hans Ngo Center for Global Studies, University of Washington
- Hezron Mogaka Dept. Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Embu
- Hoffie Conradie Dept. Family Medicine and Primary Care, Stellenbosch University
- Ilan Kelman Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction, University College London and Dept. Global Development and Planning, University of Agder
- Isaac Amoah KIT Royal Tropical Institute
- Jacqueline Kobusingye Uganda Christian University
- Jacques Gihana Nkera-Gutabara HQS Consulting
- James Irlam Primary Health Care Directorate, University of Cape Town
- James Mawanda One Planet Network
- Jamiu Badmus University of Lille
- Joachim de Wilderman Ghent University
- Johannes Hugo Dept. Health Sciences, University of Pretoria
- Johannes Van Der Merwe Strijdom Van Der Merwe
- Joshua Borokinni Courageous Builders
- Joy Fabuluje
- Joy Mugambi
- Juan Diego Giraldo Osorio Engineering School, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
- Julia Baert
- Julia Puebla Fortier Arts & Health South West
- Jurrien Toonen KIT Royal Tropical Institute
- Karien Mostert Dept. Physiotherapy, University of Pretoria
- Kariuki Weru UNU-EHS
- Kathi Zangerl Heidelberg Institute for Global Health
- Kees van der Geest UNU-EHS
- Kenneth Yakubu The George Institute
- Koushiki Banerjee
- Kumar Jayanth
- Kwan Soo-Chen United Nations University International Institute for Global Health
- Laurel Baldwin-Ragaven Dept. Family Medicine, University of Witwatersrand
- Lise Vanden Hautte Global Health Student, Ghent University
- Louis Wauters Ghent University
- Lucie Blondé B-Fast
- Maaike Flinkenflogel School of Nursing, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Malte Behrendt Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Ghent University and UNU-CRIS
- Marte Martens Ghent University
- Mashudu Manafe Dept. Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
- Melanie Omondi
- Michael Olaleye
- Momina Talib
- Mohammad Yasir Essar McMaster University
- Muhammad Asaduzzaman Dept. Community Medicine & Global Health, University of Oslo
- Namita Karnik
- Ndifreke E. Udonwa Dept. Family Medicine, University of Calabar and University of Calabar Teaching Hospital
- Nima Yaghmaei Dept. Global Health, KIT Tropical Royal Institute
- Olivia Toles Ghent University
- Olivier Degomme Dept. Public Health and Primary Care and ICRH, Ghent University
- Oscar Mashin
- Patrick Van Damme Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- Pauline Scheelbeek Dept. Population Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Peter Delobelle Dept. Public Health, VUB and Chronic Disease Initiative for Africa, University of Cape Town
- Peter Makwanya
- Polina Koriukina Dept. Economics, Ghent University
- Ponha Uk
- Prisca Zwanikken Unit Global Health, KIT Royal Tropical Institute
- Rajnish Prasad Asia Pacific Regional Office, UN Women
- Rimjhim Bajpai Council Population
- Robert Mash Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Stellenbosch University
- Roeland Kindt World Agroforestry CIFOR-ICRAF
- Ross Bailie The University of Sydney School of Public Health
- Samuel Lietaer FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment
- Sander Soenens Ghent University
- Sarah Delaere Global Health Student, Ghent University
- Sarah Newman Climate Mental Health Network
- Sharon Baute Dept. Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz
- Sofie Jacobse Dept. General Practice, Erasmus MC and Zorg voor Klimaat
- Sofie Spiers Ghent University
- Sonja Fransen School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University
- Sonya Fernandes
- Sorona Toma CESSMIR, Ghent University
- Soumyadeep Bhaumik Meta-research & Evidence Synthesis Unit, George Institute for Global Health
- Stéphanie De Maesschalck CESSMIR, Ghent University
- Steven van de Vijver Dept. Family Medicine, OLVG and Amsterdam Health and Technology Institute
- Stijn Speelman Dept. Agricultural Economics, Ghent University
- Susanna Mitra
- Thembekile Dhlamini Dept. Global Health, Stellenbosch University
- Tibo Uyttersprot Health Care Without Harm
- Tigist Endashaw Bealem Climate Action Policy Advocacy
- Ukegbu Kalu
- Veerle Vyncke Dept. Public Health and Primary Care, Ghent University
- Vincent Goossens Dept. Marketing, Innovation and Organisation, Ghent University
- Vincent Setlhare Dept. Family Medicine and Public Health, University of Botswana
- Yasir Mohammed Zaroug Elradi MOH Dhaman Company
- Yves Jackson Division of Primary Care Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals
- Zaid Salameh
- Zainab Amin
- Zoé Hendrickson School of Public Health, Behavioral and Community Health Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
